Creating Beautiful and Lasting Connections
All of us at Into the Light Energy Healing and Spiritual Counseling Center, feel so blessed every time someone comes to us for healing. It is a great honor to help all who enter through our doors. Our healing team is highly trained to accept each client where they are and to help restore and bless them with a better life. Miracles happen every day and we give great thanks to our Creator who is in the very heart of all that we do. Our prayers each day is for all our clients, past, present, and future, to be deeply blessed with a better life. A life filled with love, peace, kindness, good health, and prosperity.
Life can be challenging, and we all need help along the journey. We are here to help you heal from physical ailments, emotional hardships, mental challenges, and spiritual depletion. We have witnessed many miracles over the years and are so happy when past clients refer new clients to us. I would also like to thank my incredible staff, especially our wonderful spiritual and life counselor, Bonnie Coon, for sharing her gifts with clients and our healing team. She is a joy to work with and blesses everyone with her daily laughter and wisdom.
I would also like to give a shoutout to Elizabeth Tallboy at Milano Wellness for her on-going scientific and spiritual contributions to the success of our Energy Healing Center. This is what we call “Creating Beautiful Connections,” thank you Elizabeth, and may your journey be blessed.
Below is a picture of a boy holding five balloons. Each of these balloons have a word on them. These balloons often represent what our clients bring to us during their time of need. We help our clients by utilizing Pranic Energy Healing, as taught to us by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. We also incorporate meditations, relaxation and breathing techniques, prayer, and spiritual counseling and guidance.
I have an assignment for you.
What five words would you write on the balloons on the right side of the picture? Take your time. The words you are about to write will be gifts that you give to yourself.
You deserve these five new gifts that you have written down inside the balloons. Touch each new word, one at a time, breathe in slowly and exhale slowly. Trust it, know it, visualize it. And so, it is.
In His Unconditional Love & Light